Open Up!
Openhartig - Vitaliteit
Openhartig - Vitaliteit
Kinkerstraat 117
Kinkerstraat 117
1053 DL Amsterdam
Vitality says something about your physical, mental and emotional balance. It indicates how energetic and resilient you are in life. How comfortable are you? This game with more than 100 questions and assignments, gives you and your fellow players new insights, understanding, inspiration, relaxation, energy and above all a lot of fun together! You take turns drawing a card with a question or assignment such as: How much energy do you have after an average work or school day? What do you prefer to recharge afterwards and what does that yield? How optimistic or pessimistic are you? And how does your life attitude affect your vitality? Play Vitaliteit with each other and see how you can get (even) more energy in daily life. Sometimes a small change makes a big difference for your pleasure, resilience and energy!
This game is in Dutch
- Content: over 100 questions and assignments
-7-99 years, 2 or more players