Shit Happens English 50 Shades of Shit Edition
Shit Happens English 50 Shades of Shit Edition
Kinkerstraat 117
Kinkerstraat 117
1053 DL Amsterdam
This is the Shit Happens Card Game 50 Shades of Shit Edition. There's some seriously dirty stuff waiting for you on these cards. You'll read through them and rank the cards according to their shittiness. Is wearing too-tight underwear BETTER of WORSE than watching a 4-hour sexual harrasment training session?
These undesirable situations are to be ranked in a 'Misery Index'. The game can be played with a group of 2 to 12 players.
Each player receives three Shit Happens cards at the beginning of the game. You place these open in front of you, arranging the cards according to the number of the "Misery Index". Taking turns, players are presented with a situation from their neighbor. Make the correct guess as to where this card should be placed among your cards. The player who first has 10 cards in front of him or her wins the game!
200 shit happens cards
the rules
Age: 18 years and up
Number of players: 2 and up